The construction of Arcadia Drive in Griffin, designed to improve traffic flow and connect Brays Road to Wesley Road, is expected to begin in December 2024, following the award of the contract to Hall Contracting Pty Ltd.
Connecting Griffin’s Growing Community
The Arcadia Drive project is a significant development aimed at enhancing connectivity within Griffin, particularly to the Freshwater Village shopping centre and Griffin State School.

The works include the construction of a new signalised intersection into the shopping centre, which is expected to improve safety and reduce congestion for local residents and school traffic. Preparatory civil works at the shopping centre site are also included in the scope of the project.
Wattle Run Developments Pty Ltd, which is funding the project, stated that the new road will serve as a vital connection for Griffin’s rapidly growing community. The developer anticipates that the infrastructure will meet the needs of residents while supporting the area’s continued development.

Economic Benefits and Timeline
The project is expected to generate approximately 30 local jobs during construction, providing a boost to the Griffin community. Hall Contracting Pty Ltd will establish a site office in early December, with construction anticipated to start by the end of the month or early 2025.
While work on Arcadia Drive is proceeding, the proposed upgrade of Brays Road and its intersection with the new connection is still awaiting final agreement with the council.
Wattle Run Developments expressed optimism that discussions will conclude positively to allow these complementary works to proceed.
Statements from Stakeholders
Representatives from both Wattle Run Developments and Hall Contracting highlighted the project’s importance for Griffin. Wattle Run Developments shared their long-term vision of creating a destination that the community could take pride in, with Arcadia Drive and the Freshwater Village project playing central roles. Hall Contracting, which has over 45 years of experience in civil construction, expressed its commitment to delivering high-quality infrastructure to meet Griffin’s needs.
Published 27-Nov-2024